Our Mission:
To Eliminate Social Injustice
"When Rob and I first heard about human trafficking, we knew that we couldn't turn away. We had to do something to help. We started through art exhibitions, raising money for charities that rescue people from human trafficking . But we wanted something ongoing that could consistently support them and provide opportunities."
"When some of the charities started their vocational training and sewing centres to support the women who were rescued, we decided to collaborate. We have since expanded to work with a disability centre as well - all with a common purpose, to provide opportunity and empowerment to overcome social injustice." - Melissa, Co Founder.
The goal is to fund the amazing work of these life changing organisations and to produce garments that cared for and uplifted everyone in the supply chain, and leaves a positive impact on our earth. The result of this dream is Pure Dreamwear, a revolutionary collaboration between the leaders in ethical and sustainable fashion, positively impacting whole communities.
Now you can take part in the Fashion Revolution's Who Made My Clothes Movement. Through your choice in sleepwear, you are giving everyone who made your clothes:
- Access to a safe, equitable work environment.
- Health and support services.
- Education and employment pathways, and
- A salary above the living wage to lift them out of poverty and exploitation.
Each sewing centre is also connected to organisations that:
- Rescue people from human trafficking and exploitation,
- Provide education for orphans, street children, and people living with disability.
- Establish schools, homes, and community centres, for people in need
You can eliminate social injustice without compromising on quality, comfort, or the environment.
Our pyjamas have a purpose greater than your bedroom — they empower women that have faced human trafficking, gender and racial discrimination, and who are living with disability.
Every garment has its own story that doesn't end once it's yours. On any product page, click on Fairsew, Maison Chance, or AIM to learn how the garment was made and the impact your choice has on the world.
We empower you to ditch the trends of fast fashion to put social injustice to bed.
We Stand For